Robert-Faure-Bardin Genealogy

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Welcome to Robert-Faure-Bardin Genealogy

ROBERT Genalogy


Updates have been done on 2017 the 25th of jan!
  - the copajax.php program (that replace geneajax.php) and the program gene.js, have been modified, to manage a graphic layout of genealogy tree of a family, and group the children of an individual, bron from a same spouse,
 - the structure of the indi and fami text files, has been modified to allow them to be read and modified by Excel. This structure is based on a particular structure that I patented for genealogic databases!
 - the geneajax.php, program has new functions to allow online modifications of genealogic text files, so many people can cooperate to maintain a genealogy file. See as example, the Web site I created to have online genealogy of all inhabitants of a city, my childrenhood village Gerzat (Puy de Dôme) in France


This Web site displays genealogy of families :


with main branches in  Puy-de-Dôme and  Ardèche (France)

Some genealogy links are in the "Links" top menu.

This site is powered by Guppy CMS sofware (see address in Links menu). Genealogy pages are dynamically created by programs in PHP language. Genealogy files are in txt format. No standard data base is used, so this solution can operate on near any Web server. For more informations, see Software sub-menu and Download menu.

Send your comment if any, by clicking on the "Webmaster - Infos" left hand menu on "Contact"  NB replace (@antispam) by @ in mail address

Have fun.

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