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Download and installation of GedToWeb

 - click on "Download" menu,
 - click on 'Software" category,
 - click on "GedToWeb", a popup window raises and shows the content of the package available as zip file (,
 - click on diskette icon, the download dialog begins.
   The file may be saved and unzipped in any directory of your comp.

  How to use GedToWeb

 - double-click on GedTWv3.exe file icon,
 - in the program window, click on the browse button "Parcourir..."   (the gedcom file to process may be in a directory different than the one where is GedTWv3.exe. The result files will be saved in the same directory as where is the gedcom file)
 - select in how many files you wish to cut the individuals file (if you select a  number greater than 1, you certainly will get an additional file since dividing your total individuals number by this number will give a non round number)
 - select export option that fits your needs (export all individuals, hide dates for individuals less than 100 years old, not export indivduals less than 100 years old) and wait until the end, roughly a minute for a gedcom with something like 30 000 individuals.

NB1 The GedTWv3.exe program allows to cut in parts the "xxxx_indi1.txt" file. It could be necessary on some site providers, because the genajax.php program reads the "xxxx_indi1.txt" and "xxxx_fami.txt" and converts them in arrays, and this operation consumes a lot of memory in the server and may issue errors .As example, here the indi file is cut in 7 parts for around 33 000 individuals.
But beneath a new version of geneajax.php, the conversion into array is done only when reading each individual or wedding data. This decreases the memory usage thus the number of parts to cut the individuals file! But the more short are the file, the faster they will be read!

NB2 As in the former version, GedToWeb program create 8 types of text files. But the new program geneajax.php, builds by himself, the PatroToPlace and PlaceToPatro tables, so the "xxxx_PatroToPlace.txt"  and "xxxx_PlaceToPat.txt" files are no longer needed.

Put files online

With your favorite FTP sotware (eg. Filezilla), install these text files in destination directory ; by example using Guppy CMS, install them in the "file" directory. Download the zipped file and unzip it. Then put in "pages" directory the gene.php, geneajax.php, gene.js, and files, and in the "img" directory, the ajax_load.gif, ArbreAnc.jpg, iMere.jpg and iPere.jpg files.

If you wish to use automatic Web referencing by robots and don't wish to modify the robots.txt file that suggest these robots to ignore the "pages" directory, or if you create your own Web site without CMS, you may install the gene.php, gene.js, and files to the site root directory. Then you will have to do these modifications in gene.php and gene.js files:
- replace line 55 of gene.php that is  define("CHEMIN", "../");  with define("CHEMIN", "");
- replace line 24 of gene.js that is  makeRequest('geneAjax.php',action,data,id);   with  makeRequest('pages/geneajax.php',action,data,id);

How to use GeneGedSplit

This program allows to extract from a gedcom file, a list of individuals depending on criterias: either by surname, or ascending, descending, mixed or lateral relationship with selecting number of levels.

Once started, you'll have to select a gedcom file, then click on "Lire" button. After this, we can search or filter individuals either by surname, or double-click on an indiviual, or  select a filter/icon button:
- search close family relatives of a selected individual,
- search ancestors of the selected individual,
- search children of the selected individual,
- mixed search ancestors/children,

Attention, selected individuals will NOT be exported in the final gedcom file. If you wish to export only selected individuals, you first will have to click on the "Inverser" button/icon.

Once selection is finished, click on "Enregistrer"